Infinite Banking, Privatized Banking, Bank on Yourself, Cash Flow Banking, Simplified.
An infinite banking policy is an economic vehicle that supports financial growth. It is the creation of a personal bank within an over-funded life insurance policy that enables:
- Dramatic year-to-year gains in value (averaging 10+%).
- Borrowing at an average of a negative 5% interest.
- Protecting your money from gain-based taxes, creditor demands, judgments, liens, and lawsuits.
- Tax-free retirement.
- Building a legacy to leave behind.
- Premature Death & Illness protection.
- Your money has multiple jobs as your personal “Bank” creating currency velocity (working for you on multiple fronts at the same time.)
For a much more detailed explanation, go to: Infinite Banking In All Its Glory
Are You A Candidate for Privatized Infinite Banking?