Is Your Financial Future Secure?

In the current economy of highs and lows, having a strong financial position is more important than ever in making sure that your financial future is secure.

It can help you in eras of uncertainty and provide a sense of security for you and your family.

However, the traditional ways of building on the basics like your emergency fund, the seemingly impossible task of reducing debt, and saving money (at ridiculously low rates) may not be enough to prepare you for what you are going to face.

That’s why it’s critical that you learn about other retirement vehicles that can help you weather the coming recession, market crash, or inflationary times.

According to Forbes and many other sources, a recession is likely anytime this year, some argue there we’re in it already, so it’s crucial to act now to protect your financial future.

In these uncertain times, you need to understand that your money is carrying some major risks right now and you need to ensure you’re protecting it.

Although some existing tax-free strategies using some traditional methods, Roth IRA and such are better than not doing anything, they’re not the BEST Way to prepare for retirement.

Why, you ask?

There are vehicles we can use that give us more flexibility than that of a Roth IRA or other traditional methods.

Put simply, you can get all of the same advantages of a Roth, but without all of the strings attached.

As you continue towards a solid foundation this becomes significant.

Following are 3 reasons why:

1. Access to your money

Traditional methods put your money “behind bars” forcing you to wait until a certain age to access it. And if you do, you get penalized. We don’t need that kind of red tape when it comes to your money.

2. Maximum protection of your money

You can always put your money in a savings account. That’s pretty safe for small amounts. However, if you’re holding more than the FDIC-covered amount and your bank happens to collapse. There have been 3 big bank collapses this year alone. You need better and more controlled protection than that.  Plus, how much can your money grow at savings account rates?

3. Uninterrupted Compounding

In times when inflation is at an all-time high, you must be earning at least enough to outpace inflation.

A bank account won’t do that and money in the market has too much risk.

We have a strategy that protects you from market crashes, so you don’t lose but still lets you capture the gains in the market when things go up.

In addition, you can access your money through a low-interest loan while continuing to be credited at the full cash-value amount.

If you would like to learn more, contact me for a no-obligation, personalized evaluation of your current situation and how you can secure your future.

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