Author Archives: SafeZoneLife
Case Study: Securing the Future in the event of a Business Owner’s Death.
Peter and Susan, both 35-year-old business partners, faced a critical realization about their successful venture’s future. When confronted with the possibility of one partner’s premature death, they recognized the potential devastation to their business, employees, and the deceased partner’s heirs. … Continue reading
Life Settlement Safe Zone
A simple yet complete explanation of life settlements A life settlement is a financial transaction where a life insurance policyholder sells their existing policy to a third-party investor for a lump sum cash payment. This transaction offers policyholders an alternative … Continue reading
IUL Vs. Whole Life: Which Insurance Policy Is Right for You?
Welcome, class! Today, we’re diving into an important topic in personal finance: the comparison between Indexed Universal Life (IUL) insurance and Whole Life insurance. As your teacher, I’m here to break down these complex concepts and show you why IULs … Continue reading
My Back-Story
Throughout my career, I found myself deeply entrenched in the realm of “Corporate Sales.” While I thrived in this environment, I couldn’t shake the discomfort of losing touch with my authentic self. Corporate sales in America can be unforgiving, with … Continue reading
Why “Safe Zone”? Your contact and personal information is never sold or resold. No Pressure used in the Safe Zone. Your commitment to me in the Safe Zone I am an independent broker. About Us | Why “Safe Zone” | … Continue reading
Are IULs Scams??
When it comes to IULs, I must address the elephant in the room. Many videos out there refer to the IUL as a scam. Unfortunately, the IUL is dependent on the agent who is presenting it. I have seen multiple examples … Continue reading
Cash-Value Life Insurance
Cash-value life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that combines a death benefit with a savings or investment component. This type of insurance provides not only a payout to beneficiaries upon the policyholder’s death but also accumulates a … Continue reading
Guaranteed ADvantage Accidental Death Insurance Features ISSUES AGES: • 18-70 ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENEFITS: • $50,000 – $500,000 (increments of $1,000) • Spouse coverage is 100 percent of the Proposed Insured coverage and child coverage is 20 percent of the Proposed … Continue reading
Cash-Value Life Insurance (An Other View)
A cash-value life insurance policy, often referred to as permanent life insurance, is a type of life insurance that provides both a death benefit to your beneficiaries and a savings component that accumulates cash value over time. This type of … Continue reading
“Life Insurance Safe Zone” 5-Step Process
Step Mel Client Details 1) Understand Share The first step in finding a possible solution is to understand the problem. I need to understand what the client’s current circumstances are and what the desired outcome is before we can … Continue reading