Welcome to SafeZoneLife.com, the home of:

The Safe Zone Process | Book some time on my Calendar | Case Studies |
- AUTHENTICITY and TRANSPARENCY: (https://safezonelife.com/blog-post/authenticity-and-transparency/)
- ANNUITIES: (High-YieldAnnuities.com)
- ARE IULs A SCAM: (AreIULsAscam.com)
- BUY/SELL AGREEMENTS (Exit Strategy Blueprints): (FundingBuySellAgreements.com)
- CASH-VALUE LIFE INSURANCE: (Cash-ValueLifeInsurance.com)
- INFINITE BANKING: (Infinite-Bank.com)
- KEY MAN LIFE INSURANCE: (KeyPersonLifeIns.com)
- LIFE INSURANCE SAFE ZONE – 5 STEP PROCESS: (https://safezonelife.com/life-insurance-safe-zone-5-step-process/)
- LIVING BENEFITS: (AcceleratedDeathBenefits.com)
- QUOTE REQUEST – BUSINESS: (SafeZoneLife.com/business-application-quote-request/)
- QUOTE REQUEST – LIFE: (SafeZoneLife.com/Life-Quote)
- RETIREMENT PLANNING: (PlanRightRetirement.com)
- SAFE ZONE FINANCIAL: (SafeZoneFinancial.com)
- SUCCESSION PLANNING: (SuccessionPlanPlus.com)
- TAX-FREE RETIREMENT INCOME: (Tax-FreePassiveIncome.com)
- WHY DO I NEED LIFE INSURANCE?: (https://safezonelife.com/blog-post/why_do-i-need-life-insurance-2/)
- WHY “SAFE ZONE”? (https://safezonelife.com/why-safe-zone/)
This site is multi-focused:
1) As “Life Insurance Safe Zone (https://SafeZoneLife.com)” indicates, there will be no pressure exerted on you at any time to take on a policy if you are not in agreement. If you decide that you want one of the policies that I show you, it will be on your terms and in your time. I will make sure that you have the information, the numbers, and the understanding to be able to make an informed decision. All I ask in return is honest feedback and please stay true to your word. Lets’s also make this a ghost-free zone.
2) Your information will never be sold or shared with any other agents, or for any commercial purposes other than to obtain quotes and/or policies directly from the life insurance carriers. In other words, your information is safe here.
3) The “Advanced Life Insurance Solutions” refers to cash-value policies, which include the concept of Infinite Banking (aka Privatized Banking, Cash-Flow Banking, Bank On Yourself, and a myriad of other terms used.) These policies can effectively be used for Succession Planning, Key Person Insurance, Tax-Free Retirement Income, plus more.
Please choose posts from the menu below for an in-depth understanding of the multitude of benefits as well as the detriments to look out for. At the end of each post, you will find a link back to this menu. Whether you are an individual (anywhere from 14 days-85 years old) or a business I offer you Protection & Growth By Design (ProtectionAndGrowthByDesign.com). As an example, if one of these policies were taken out on a newborn, by the time he/she reaches 70 years old the projected cash value would equal 3500+% of the cumulative premiums paid, at which time the money can be withdrawn tax-free.
- Accidental Death Insurance
- Are You A Candidate for Infinite (Privatized) Banking?
- Blog
- Case Studies
- Cash-Value Life Insurance Explained
- Contact Us
- Funding Buy-Sell Agreements
- History of Infinite (Privatized) Banking, The
- Infinite Banking In All Its Glory
- Infinite Banking Simplified
- Infinite Banking Visual
- IRS Code 7702
- Key Person (Man or Woman) Life Insurance
- Life Insurance 5 Step Process
- Life Insurance, Terminology
- Life Insurance, Types
- Living Benefits (aka “Accelerated Death Benefits”)
- Modified Endowment Contract (MEC)
- Non-Direct Loan Recognition
- “Safe Zone” Policies: Pros & Cons
- Privacy Policy
- Privatized Banking, The Whole Story
- Retirement, Are You Prepared
- Succession Plan Plus
- Tax Advantages of “Safe Zone Life” Insurance Policies, The
- Tax-Free Retirement Visual
- Using an IUL as an Investment Vehicle
- What Kind of Policy Do You Use for Privatized Banking?
- What is Infinite (Privatized) Banking and How Does It Work?
- Why Do I Need Life Insurance?
- Why “Safe Zone”?
- Are You Prepared for Retirement?
- Authenticity and Transparency
- (Case Study) Juvenile Life Insurance Policy
- (Case Study) Maximizing Value: A Life Settlement Success Story
- (Case Study) Securing Your Business Future in the Event of a Business Owner’s Death
- (Case Study) Succession Planning using Infinite Banking & Tax-Free Retirement Income:
- (Case Study) Tax-Free Retirement Income Using and IUL.:
- Death of an Owner
- Do I Need Life Insurance?
- Financial Future
- Highlights of Changes for 2023 in IRA Contributions
- How Cash Value Life Insurance Policies Can Benefit Businesses
- Infinite Banking – Whole Life Vs. IUL
- Is the 401(k) plan a Rip-Off?
- Is The IUL (Index Universal Life) a SCAM??
- IUL Vs. Whole Life: Which Insurance Policy Is Right for You?
- IUL (Index Universal Life) – Extreme Flexibility
- Jim Harbaugh agrees to increased compensation in the form of life insurance- 2016
- Life Insurance (Original Poem)
- Life Insurance, the Mel Kaye Way (Original Poem)
- “Make the Chili”
- Mitigating the Credit Risks of Selling to Small Companies and Partnerships
- Securing Your Business Future in the Event of a Business Owner’s Death
- Take Control of Your Future
- The AM Best rating is quite important
- The Truth About Term Policies
- What Are the Differences between Whole Life Insurance and Indexed Universal Life Insurance?
- What Happens If Your Life Insurance Company Fails?
- What is a Maximum-Funded IUL?
- What is the Difference Between a Roth IRA and a Traditional IRA?
- Why Do I Need Life Insurance?